《精選》永續航空燃油貴又少,該如何推動? Expensive and Rare: Strategies to Promote Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)

永續航空燃料 (Sustainable Aviation Fuel, SAF) 是由可再生原料製成,可作為傳統航空燃油的環保替代品,減少航空業碳排放。延伸閱讀:《知識》什麼是永續航空燃油?

然而,目前全球 SAF 產量僅占航空燃油需求的 0.53%、成本比傳統航空燃油高出 3 至 5 倍、生產儲存等基礎設施不足,加上缺乏公定的生產標準及相關配套措施等,各界也從下列面向尋求解方。

研發新技術以提高 SAF 產量和降低成本。新創公司正考慮用酒精、木材生質能、垃圾及空氣中的碳等新技術製造燃料,也有新聞報導澳洲科學家從垃圾掩埋氣找到關鍵技術。延伸閱讀:《精選》再生能源最新研究:食物廚餘可變成航空燃油

成立基金支持 SAF 生產和技術開發。例如美國聯合航空公司 2023 年初就投資1億美元,成立永續飛行基金。不到一年,新增多家新的企業夥伴,該基金已翻倍增加達到2億美元,用來支持增加 SAF 原料供應和技術開發。

航空業者、與旅遊業者和消費者共同分攤 SAF 成本。例如德國漢莎航空集團是全球 5 大 SAF 客戶之一。台灣的山富旅遊、鳳凰旅遊都與德國漢莎航空集團完成 SAF 燃油合作採購,共同分攤 SAF 成本。成本也會分攤到消費者身上,機票會越來越貴。延伸閱讀:《知識》什麼是碳權?關於航空公司的飛行碳抵換計畫

制定政策鼓勵 SAF 生產和使用。例如新加坡宣布,從 2026 年起,要求所有從新加坡起飛的航班使用S AF;但為抵銷部分費用,新加坡將根據旅行距離和艙等收取不同稅金。

台灣航空公司針對 SAF 的使用:
  • 華航預估,2025 年 SAF 的添加比例為 2%,並依時程放大,2030 年 5%、2040 年 40%、2050 年達到 65%。
  • 長榮航空除了新機飛渡返台添加高比例的 SAF 之外,也規劃從 2025 年的 2%、 2035 年 10%,到 2050 年完全達到淨零碳排。
  • 星宇航空新出爐的永續報告書中顯示,依照空中巴士政策,新機交機飛渡航班會使用至少 5% 的 SAF,中長期目標為 2035 年添加比例達 5%。
  • 台灣虎航則表示,主動爭取未來於新機交付飛渡過程中,添加 SAF,後續也將配合國家政策與法規要求。

Expensive and Rare: Strategies to Promote Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is an alternative to conventional jet fuel derived from renewable feedstocks like waste oils, agricultural residues, and algae. SAF offers a promising solution to reduce the aviation industry's significant carbon footprint. Read More: What is Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)?

Despite its potential, SAF faces several challenges hindering its widespread adoption:
  • Limited Production: Currently, SAF accounts for just 0.53% of global aviation fuel demand.
  • High Cost: SAF production costs are 3-5 times higher than conventional jet fuel.
  • Infrastructure Gaps: Infrastructure for SAF production, storage, and distribution is inadequate.
  • Lack of Standards: Standardized production guidelines and supporting measures are needed.

To address these challenges, various approaches are being explored:

Technological Advancements
New technologies are being developed to enhance SAF production efficiency and lower costs. Researchers are investigating the use of novel feedstocks like alcohol, woody biomass, waste, and even atmospheric carbon capture.

Investment Funds
Dedicated funds are being established to support SAF production and technology development. For instance, United Airlines launched a $100 million Sustainable Flight Fund in 2023, which has since doubled to $200 million with new partners.

Cost Sharing
Shared cost models are being considered to distribute SAF expenses among airlines, travel agencies, and consumers. German airline group Lufthansa, a major SAF customer, collaborates with travel agencies in Taiwan to share SAF costs, which are also reflected in higher ticket prices.

Government Policies
Governments are implementing policies to incentivize SAF production and use. Singapore mandates SAF usage for all flights departing from Singapore starting 2026, while implementing distance-based and class-based fuel surcharges to offset costs.

Taiwanese airlines have also outlined their SAF adoption plans:
  • China Airlines: Targets 2% SAF usage in 2025, increasing to 5% by 2030, 40% by 2040, and 65% by 2050.
  • EVA Air: Incorporates high-blend SAF on new aircraft delivery flights and aims to achieve 2% usage in 2025, 10% by 2035, and net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
  • Starlux Airlines: Commits to using at least 5% SAF on new aircraft delivery flights as per Airbus guidelines and targets 5% overall usage by 2035.
  • Tigerair Taiwan: Expresses interest in incorporating SAF on new aircraft delivery flights and will align with future government policies and regulations.