《知識》什麼是永續航空燃油?What is Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)?

目前全球約有 3% 的碳排放量來自航空業,隨著人口成長,航空業碳排放量將會更多。因此飛機動力的進步,將有助於減少碳排放量。未來飛機動力有三大發展方向:

關於電動飛機,電池技術仍是最大絆腳石。原因在於鋰電池本身就有重量,若要為飛機配置能提高航程的足夠電力,很可能會增加飛機本身的重量並降低飛行效率。鋰電池本身還有安全問題,有可能在飛行途中逐漸升溫而引起火災。使用純電力的飛機技術短期之內仍無法成熟。以現階段來說,使用油電混合動力的飛機將是短期目標。而氫能源和電動飛機一樣仍在研發設計的階段, 因此永續航空燃料提供了航空業者立即在減碳方面取得進展的方法,被認為是航空業淨零的關鍵。

永續航空燃料是一種環保燃油,可用來替代以石油為基礎的燃料。永續航空燃料的原料可以來自於樹木、草、動物或植物性非棕櫚廢油、家庭和企業的固體廢物,例如包裝、紙張、紡織品和食物殘渣等。其化學性質與傳統的化石燃料非常相似,但與之相比,永續航空燃油在整個生命週期內可減少高達 80% 的碳排放,並且可以混合用於現有飛機。 然而目前全球永續航空燃料的產量十分少,每年僅不到航空業需求的0.1%,且永續航空燃料的成本十分高昂,售價通常比傳統煤油貴二到五倍,航空公司難以負荷。延伸閱讀:《精選》再生能源最新研究:食物廚餘可變成航空燃油

航空公司未來可能會將該成本轉嫁給消費者,例如德國漢莎航空發展一套獎勵機制,從特製的綠色座位、到創建可以在手機上顯示的電子獎勵徽章等內容,只要消費者願意多付擔一部份的費用,就可以向其他乘客展現對減碳行動的支持。漢莎航空相信,這項獎勵機制將誘使消費者,願意為搭乘飛機所製造的溫室氣體付費。 延伸閱讀:《知識》什麼是碳權?關於航空公司的飛行碳抵換計畫


補充說明:永續航空燃油 (SAF) 與 生質燃油(Biofuel) 有什麼不同?

永續航空燃油與生質燃油都是由可再生原料製成的燃料,但兩者在定義、原料、生產技術、碳排放量等方面有所不同。永續航空燃油是指符合國際民航組織( ICAO) 所訂定可再生航空燃料永續性標準( Sustainable Aviation Fuel Sustainability Standard,SAF-SS) 的燃料。該標準要求永續航空燃油的原料必須是可再生、與糧食作物無競爭、對環境沒有負面影響;生質燃油則沒有明確的定義,通常是指由生物原料製成的燃料,包括棕櫚油、大豆油等。


What is Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)?

The aviation industry contributes significantly to global carbon emissions, accounting for approximately 3% of the total. As the world's population expands, so does the aviation industry's carbon footprint. The technological advancements in aircraft propulsion are crucial for reducing these emissions. Among the promising avenues for sustainable aviation, three key technologies stand out:
  1. Electric Aircraft
  2. Hydrogen Fuel
  3. Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)
Electric aircraft hold immense potential, but battery technology remains a major obstacle. The weight of lithium batteries themselves poses a challenge. Equipping an aircraft with sufficient battery power to extend its range could significantly increase the aircraft's weight, compromising its flight efficiency. Additionally, lithium batteries raise safety concerns, as they may overheat and potentially ignite during flight. Consequently, pure electric propulsion for aircraft remains technologically immature in the short term. A more viable option for the near future lies in hybrid-electric aircraft. 

Hydrogen fuel and electric aircraft are still in the early stages of research and development. Therefore, SAF offers airlines an immediate and effective means of reducing carbon emissions. It is considered a critical component in achieving net-zero emissions within the aviation industry.

SAF is an eco-friendly fuel designed to replace petroleum-based jet fuel. Its raw materials can be sourced from a variety of sources, including trees, grasses, non-palm waste oils from animal or plant sources, and solid waste from households and businesses, such as packaging, paper, textiles, and food waste. Chemically, SAF closely resembles traditional fossil fuels, but it offers a significant environmental advantage. Over its entire life cycle, SAF can reduce carbon emissions by up to 80%. Moreover, it can be blended with traditional jet fuel for use in existing aircraft.

Despite its promise, SAF production remains limited, catering to less than 0.1% of the aviation industry's annual demand. Consequently, SAF costs considerably more than traditional kerosene, typically two to five times higher. 

This cost differential poses a challenge for airlines, who may need to pass it on to consumers. For example: the Lufthansa's rewards mechanism. This system provides incentives for consumers to contribute to the cost of SAF. Options include customized green seats and electronic reward badges that can be displayed on smartphones. These rewards allow passengers to demonstrate their support for climate action and highlight their contribution to reducing emissions from air travel. Lufthansa believes that this rewards mechanism will encourage consumers to participate in mitigating the environmental impact of flying.

At the current stage, the continued development of SAF is the main goal of major international airlines.

Additional information: What is the difference between SAF and Biofuel?
SAF and biofuel are both fuels made from renewable feedstocks, but they differ in terms of their definitions, feedstocks, production technologies, and carbon emissions. Sustainable aviation fuel is defined as a fuel that meets the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Sustainability Standard (SAF-SS) established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). This standard requires that SAF feedstocks be renewable, non-food-competitive, and have no negative environmental impacts. Biofuel, on the other hand, does not have a clear definition, and is typically used to refer to fuels made from biological feedstocks, including palm oil and soybean oil.