《知識》飛機上哪個座位最安全?Is There A Safest Seat On A Plane?


每一場飛安意外的狀況都不一樣,有時候是前面座位比較安全,有時候是後面座位比較安全。但根據過往飛機失事統計數據,坐在機身尾部中間座位的乘客 (靠窗與走道中間的位子) ,生存機率較高。





現代飛機都會被要求事故發生時一定要能在 90 秒內完成疏散。疏散是生存關鍵。但疏散時硬要拿行李再走,會拖慢疏散速度,害有些人逃不出去。延伸閱讀:《精選》搭飛機緊急逃生時帶行李會怎麼樣?

迫降姿勢有會影響生存機率。2012 年美國探索頻道組織了航空專家,籌備了四年時間,進行了歷史上第二次的真實客機墜毀試驗。團隊透過數據得出了很多結論,包括證實了雙手抱頭彎腰的姿勢的確有助於減少傷害;而普通坐姿可能會撞擊前排座椅靠背,或是被亂飛的雜物擊傷要害。衝擊力數據則顯示,由飛機前到後逐漸遞減。機身前半段將承受 12G 的衝擊,可能造成死亡;而機身中間和機尾的部分,分別會承受 8G 和 6G 的衝擊,相對衝擊較低。有興趣的朋友,可以看看這篇文章:《知識》航空科學的實驗「波音727客機的墜機測試」

Is there a safest seat on a plane? 

The answer is NO.

Every plane crash is different. Sometimes the front seats are safer, and sometimes the back seats are safer. Based on past crash statistics, passengers sitting in the rear of the plane and those in the middle seats between the window and aisle have a higher chance of survival.

The middle section of the plane is usually more stable during turbulence because of its structure. However, in case of a major accident, the middle section might not be the best place to be. The fuel tanks are usually located in the middle, so it could be more dangerous if there's a fire.

While there's no single "safest" seat on a plane, there are ways to increase your chances of survival in an emergency.

In most modern plane accidents, how quickly passengers can evacuate is crucial. Being close to an emergency exit is more important than where you are in the plane (front, middle, or rear). Therefore, when you board, count the number of rows between your seat and the nearest exits, both in front and behind you. This way, even in smoky conditions, you can feel your way to an exit. If you're seated at an emergency exit, familiarize yourself with how to open it.

Pay attention to the safety video and read the safety card in the seat pocket. Keep your shoes on during takeoff and landing. If traveling with family or friends, try to sit together, even if it costs extra. This prevents delays caused by searching for each other during an emergency.

Modern regulations require planes to be able to evacuate all passengers within 90 seconds in an emergency. This rapid evacuation is critical for survival. Trying to retrieve luggage will significantly slow down the evacuation process and put everyone at risk. Read More: What Happens If You Bring Your Bag During An Emergency Evacuation On An Airplane?

The brace position can significantly impact your survival chances. A 2012 Discovery Channel experiment, involving a real plane crash, confirmed that the brace position (head down, hands clasped over your head) helps minimize injuries. A normal seating position can lead to collisions with the seat in front or injuries from flying debris.

The experiment also revealed that impact force decreases from the front to the back of the plane. The front experiences the highest impact (12G), potentially fatal. The middle and rear experience lower impact (8G and 6G, respectively).