《精選》搭飛機緊急逃生時帶行李會怎麼樣? What Happens If You Bring Your Bag During An Emergency Evacuation On An Airplane?

美國聯邦航空局規定,飛機緊急疏散時,必須在 90 秒內疏散所有乘客和機組人員。目前全球大多數地區也遵循此標準,因此航空公司的安全規範都會提醒乘客在緊急逃生時不要攜帶隨身物品,以免妨礙其他乘客逃生。

2024 年 1 月,一架日本航空客機在東京羽田機場與日本海上保安廳的飛機發生擦撞,造成全機起火,幸好機上 379 名乘客全體平安逃生,其中一個關鍵是所有乘客都依照規定未攜帶行李。

然而,2024 年 4 月,委內瑞拉雷射航空(Laser Airlines)一架 MD-82 班機的飛安事故卻剛好相反。這架班機準備起飛時機身卻冒出濃煙,當下空服員隨即緊急疏散乘客,讓機上 92 名乘客透過充氣滑梯離開。乘客疏散時幾乎都攜帶著行李,拖慢逃生速度,甚至有人因此摔倒在地。這是一個完全錯誤且及不明智的行為。逃難的每一秒都很重要,假如每個乘客都拿起一件小小的個人物品,飛機很有可能在下一秒就被火球吞噬


What happens if you bring your bag during an emergency evacuation on an airplane?

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the United States has a strict rule: in an emergency plane evacuation, all passengers and crew must be out of the plane within 90 seconds. Most countries around the world follow a similar standard. That’s why airlines always remind us to leave our belongings behind when there’s an emergency.

In January 2024, a Japan Airlines plane caught fire after colliding with a Japanese Coast Guard aircraft at Tokyo's Haneda Airport. Miraculously, all 379 passengers on board survived. One of the key reasons for this was that everyone followed the rules and left their bags behind.

However, in April 2024, a very different scene unfolded on a Laser Airlines flight in Venezuela. The plane was about to take off when smoke started pouring out. The crew quickly evacuated all 92 passengers using emergency slides. But almost everyone was carrying their bags, which slowed down the evacuation process and even caused some people to fall. This was a big mistake! 

Every second counts in an emergency. If everyone takes even a small item with them, the plane could be engulfed in flames in no time.