《精選》全球最大航空引擎 - 英國勞斯萊斯 UltraFan 介紹 Introducing the UltraFan: The World's Largest Jet Engine

英國勞斯萊斯 Rolls-Royce 最新研發的 UltraFan 是全球最大的航空引擎,預計可產生超過 85,000 磅的推力。相較於第一代 Trent 引擎,UltraFan 的燃油消耗量可降低 25%。延伸閱讀:《知識》為什麼飛機引擎的研發技術門檻很高?

這款引擎搭載了多項先進技術,包括稀薄燃燒技術、碳纖維複合材料風扇葉片與外殼等。目標是達到 15:1 的旁通比和 70:1 的總壓比,且具有可擴展性,適用於單通道和寬體飛機。延伸閱讀:《知識》飛機引擎運作原理及何謂「旁通比」?

此外,UltraFan 也能兼容永續航空燃料 (SAF) 並探索混合電動和氫動力解決方案可能性,朝向2050年淨零飛行目標邁進。延伸閱讀:《知識》什麼是永續航空燃油?What is Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)?

Rolls-Royce 與空中巴士合作進行整合和飛行測試,波音和其它製造商也密切關注該引擎的開發進程。通用電氣 (General Electric) 在商用渦輪風扇引擎市場居於領先地位。

目前,通用電氣以 55% 的市場份額領導商用渦輪風扇引擎市場。然而,如果將 CFM International LEAP 引擎拆分,通用電氣單獨的市場份額將為 16%,與法國賽峰共享的市場份額為 39%。其次是普惠,市場份額為 26%,然後是勞斯萊斯,市場份額為18%。Rolls-Royce 希望藉由 UltraFan 技術提升其市場佔有率。延伸閱讀:《知識》CFM International - 全球最大商用引擎製造商 The World's Largest Commercial Engine Manufacturer - CFM International


Introducing the UltraFan: The World's Largest Jet Engine

Rolls-Royce, a famous British company, has created a new, super-powerful jet engine called the UltraFan. It's the biggest jet engine in the world and can produce over 85,000 pounds of thrust. Compared to their older Trent engines, the UltraFan uses 25% less fuel.

This new engine uses a lot of advanced technology, like a special way of burning fuel that saves fuel and carbon fiber for the fan blades and case. It's designed to be very efficient and can be used in both small and large airplanes.

The UltraFan can also use sustainable aviation fuel and is being studied to work with electric and hydrogen power. The goal is to help airplanes fly without harming the environment by the year 2050.

Rolls-Royce is working with Airbus to test the UltraFan on a real plane, and other companies like Boeing are also watching this project closely. General Electric is currently the biggest maker of jet engines for commercial airplanes.

Overall, the UltraFan is a very advanced jet engine that could help make flying more environmentally friendly.