《知識》協和號超音速客機 Concorde: A Supersonic Legend

協和號客機(Concorde)是英國和法國聯合研製的超音速客機,於 1976 年至 2003 年期間由英國航空公司和法國航空公司共同營運。協和號客機的最大巡航速度為每小時 2,179 公里,相當於音速的兩倍多,倫敦飛往紐約僅需要約3小時。


協和號客機的可調式機鼻(Drooping Nose)也是一大特點。為了減少飛行阻力,協和號客機的機頭較其它民航機更長,並呈針狀。三角翼飛機起飛和著陸時的攻角較大,又長又尖的機鼻會影響飛行員對跑道、滑行道的視野。因此向下彎曲的機鼻還可以改善飛行員的視野。

回顧協和號客機的歷史,可追溯至 1956 年至 1961 年,英法兩國分別進行超音速客機研究。由於研製費用高,加上兩國方案相近,1962 年英法兩國簽署了一個政府合作協定。在這個協議上提出了 SST 計畫 (Supersonic Transport Program) 即超音速運輸計畫。協和超音速客機就是 SST 計畫的產物,由英法兩國政府平攤巨額研製費。1963 年 1 月,當時的法國總統戴高樂親自將這一研製計畫命名為「協和」(Concorde)。

協和號原型機於 1965 年開始製造,法國組裝的第一架協和 001 飛機於 1967 年 12 月 11 日出廠,1969 年 3 月 2 日首飛。英國組裝的第一架協和 002 飛機於 1969 年 4 月首飛。延伸閱讀:《知識》航空史上首架超音速客機「圖波列夫TU-144」

協和號客機於 1976 年 1 月 21 日投入商業飛行,並於 1979 年停產,總共生產了 20 架。協和號客機於2003年全部退役。2003年5月31日,法航的協和號客機進行了最後一次商業飛行。2003年10月24日,英航的協和號客機結束了最後一次飛行。雖然協和號客機因為經濟效益等因素最終退役,但它的出現是航空史上一個重要的里程碑。延伸閱讀:《知識》超音速客機未來的發展

協和號超音速客機 機上物品拍賣尋回憶


Concorde: A Supersonic Legend

The Concorde was a supersonic passenger airliner jointly developed and manufactured by Aerospatiale (later Airbus) of France and the British Aircraft Corporation (BAC). It was the first commercial aircraft of its kind, and only 20 Concordes were ever built.

Key Features of the Concorde
  • Speed: The Concorde could reach speeds of over 2,179 kilometers per hour (1,354 mph), or twice the speed of sound. This made it possible to fly from London to New York in just 3 hours, compared to 7-8 hours for subsonic airliners.
  • Design: The Concorde had a slender fuselage, a delta wing, and a drooping nose. These features were designed to reduce drag and improve lift at supersonic speeds.
  • Engines: The Concorde was powered by four Rolls-Royce Olympus turbofan engines. These engines were specially designed to produce the thrust needed for supersonic flight.

History of the Concorde
  • 1956-1961: France and the UK begin researching supersonic airliner designs independently.

  • 1962: The two countries sign an agreement to collaborate on the development of a supersonic airliner. The project is named the Supersonic Transport Program (SST).

  • 1969: The first Concorde prototype takes its maiden flight.

  • 1976: The Concorde enters commercial service with British Airways and Air France.

  • 2000: An Air France Concorde crashes shortly after takeoff from Paris, killing all 109 people on board.

  • 2003: The Concorde is retired due to declining passenger numbers and rising operating costs.

The Concorde was a technological marvel that captured the imagination of the world. It was a symbol of luxury and innovation. Although it is no longer in service, the Concorde remains an iconic aircraft that will never be forgotten.