《精選》日本名古屋觀光景點 - 愛知航空博物館 AICHI MUSEUM OF FLIGH

愛知縣名古屋,不僅是日本的工業重鎮,更是日本的航空之都。這裡是日本首架國產噴射客機 MRJ 的研發製造地,也是美國波音在日本設立首個研究中心的據點。2017 年 11 月 30 日,愛知航空博物館 (AICHI MUSEUM OF FLIGH) 的落成,為名古屋增添了一處新的旅遊亮點。博物館內展示了多架實體飛機,其中最受矚目的是日本首架雙渦輪螺旋槳國產客機 YS-11。參觀者可以近距離欣賞飛機的細節,感受航空工程的精巧。此外,博物館還設有「名機百選」展示區,介紹了 100 種具有歷史意義的飛機機型;以及職業體驗區,讓遊客化身飛行員,在虛擬駕駛艙中體驗駕駛飛機的樂趣。博物館的屋頂則是觀景台,可以近距離觀賞名古屋機場飛機的起飛和降落。館內還設有商店和咖啡廳,提供休憩和用餐服務。


Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, is not only an industrial powerhouse of Japan but also a hub for aviation. It is the birthplace of Japan's first domestically produced jet airliner, the MRJ, and the home of Boeing's first research center in Japan. 

The opening of the AICHI MUSEUM OF FLIGH on November 30, 2017, added a new tourist attraction to Nagoya. The museum houses a variety of real aircraft, the most notable of which is the YS-11, Japan's first twin-turboprop domestic passenger aircraft. Visitors can take a close look at the details of the aircraft and experience the ingenuity of aeronautical engineering. 

In addition, the museum has a "Selection of 100 Famous Aircraft" exhibition area, introducing 100 historically significant aircraft models; and a career experience area, where visitors can transform into pilots and experience the thrill of flying in a virtual cockpit. 

The museum's rooftop is an observation deck where you can get a close-up view of airplanes taking off and landing at Nagoya Airport. The museum also has a shop and a cafe for visitors to relax and enjoy a meal.