《航空札記》日本名古屋中部國際機場 FLIGHT OF DREAMS - Boeing 787 Flight Park in Nagoya, Japan

位於日本名古屋中部國際機場(Centrair)的 FLIGHT OF DREAMS - Boeing 787 Flight Park,絕對是一個值得航空迷造訪的地方!這裡展示了全球第一架波音 787 夢幻客機的原型機(ZA001, N787BA),並詳細介紹了波音 787 的發展過程與應用的航太技術,導覽完保證會對飛機有更深入的了解。

其中最讓我印象深刻的是,園區特別準備了兩塊飛機造型材料片,一片是用複合材料,一片是用傳統材料,讓遊客拿在手上就可以輕鬆比較,大量應用在波音 787 的複合材料是如此輕盈。延伸閱讀:《知識》飛機的機體材質「複合材料」成發展趨勢

園區的動線設計,更可以近距離欣賞波音 787 客機的各種細節。從起落架結構、機翼設計、渦輪引擎葉片到駕駛艙面板,充滿視覺衝擊,這些都是平時搭飛機無法仔細觀察的地方。

FLIGHT OF DREAMS 不只是航空博物館,也是一個充滿西雅圖風情的休憩空間。西雅圖露台(SEATTLE TERRACE)提供多樣化的餐廳和星巴克咖啡,遊客能在機翼下方座位區用餐,是一個很特別的體驗。此外,這邊也有一間航空商店,可以買到波音原廠授權的各種周邊。

FLIGHT OF DREAMS - Boeing 787 Flight Park,就位於第一航廈與第二航廈的中間,指標也相當清楚。如果下次有機會來名古屋中部國際機場,千萬別錯過這個地方!

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FLIGHT OF DREAMS - Boeing 787 Flight Park in Nagoya, Japan

When visiting Nagoya, Japan, aviation enthusiasts should not miss the FLIGHT OF DREAMS - Boeing 787 Flight Park at Chubu Centrair International Airport. This unique attraction is home to the world's first Boeing 787 Dreamliner prototype (ZA001, N787BA), giving visitors a fascinating look into the development of this groundbreaking aircraft and the aviation technology behind it.

One of the impressive displays is the opportunity to compare a piece of traditional aircraft material with a piece of the advanced composite material used in the 787. You can feel the difference in weight right away, which is a great way to understand why the 787 is so efficient. Read More: The Trend of Composite Materials in Aircraft

The park offers an up-close experience with the 787. You can explore the landing gear, wings, engines, and cockpit. It's a great opportunity to admire the details of the aircraft that you might not have the chance to see when you take a flight.

The park is more than just an aviation museum. It also offers a relaxing Seattle-inspired atmosphere. The Seattle Terrace features a variety of restaurants, a Starbucks, and the unique opportunity to dine under the wing of the 787. Additionally, the on-site aviation shop is a highlight, offering a wide range of Boeing-branded merchandise.

FLIGHT OF DREAMS - Boeing 787 Flight Park is located between the airport's Terminal 1 and Terminal 2. If you're flying through Nagoya, make sure to add this amazing attraction to your itinerary!