《精選》私人包機與飛機託管服務 - 沅星航空介紹 Introduction to METASTAR AIRLINES

沅星航空 (Metastar Airlines) 是台灣一家新設立的航空公司,創辦人為盧浩智,總部位於台北市,主要服務為私人飛機託管私人包機業務

根據加拿大龐巴迪公司商務飛機報告,國家實質 GDP 達一兆美元,約可擁有 250 架商務機。而以台灣 2022 年實質 GDP 約新台幣 21 兆元換算,台灣約可以有 180 架商務機的實力,是目前僅有 18 架左右的十倍以上。再加上疫情後,商務人士對私人包機的需求不斷增長,台灣又位於亞洲中心,擁有飛往各地的地理優勢,因此台灣私人飛機市場具備發展的潛力


  • 民眾想去日本石垣島觀光,必須先搭飛機前往沖繩那霸機場,再轉往國內線前往,將轉機等候時間算在內,保守估計需時 9 小時以上。但若搭乘私人包機,從台北直達石垣島,僅需 40 分鐘。
  • 若想讓家裡的毛小孩陪出國,私人商務包機也可提供寵物包機服務,協助乘客走完檢疫程序,讓毛小孩待在家人的身邊,而非民航客機的貨倉裡頭,一起享受度假時光。
  • 若台積電熊本廠的機台臨時出現問題,而日本當地的技術人員無法解決時,台積電的工程師就可以馬上搭上商務包機,最快時間抵達現場,儘快將問題排除,避免機台停機過久,影響公司利潤。
沅星航空目前自有的飛機為 Citation M2,最大乘客數為5人座,已能提供石垣島、宮古島、鹿兒島、熊本、香港、澳門、濟州島、菲律賓克拉克等直航服務。沅星航空不僅提供私人飛機包機服務,更希望成為一個平台,整合私人飛機託管業務,讓飛機成為穩定的收益來源,力圖將台灣打造成亞洲的私人飛機轉運中心,滿足高資產人士的飛行需求。


METASTAR AIRLINES, is a newly established airline based in Taipei, Taiwan. The company primarily focuses on private aircraft management and charter services.

According to a business jet report by Bombardier, a country with a GDP of $1 trillion can typically support around 250 business jets. Taiwan, with a 2022 GDP of approximately NT$21 trillion, has the potential to accommodate over 180 business jets, which is more than ten times the current fleet of around 18. Coupled with the surging demand for private charters post-pandemic and Taiwan's strategic geographic location in Asia, the private aviation market in Taiwan is poised for significant growth.

Private Aircraft Management

The high purchase price, expensive maintenance costs, and low utilization rates of private jets have historically deterred high-net-worth individuals from acquiring their own aircraft. However, by entrusting their aircraft to Metastar for management and agreeing to charter services, aircraft owners can generate income from their asset, making aircraft ownership more appealing. This approach also democratizes private aviation, making it accessible to a broader range of individuals with time constraints and personalized needs.

Private Charter Services

Compared to commercial airlines, private charters offer the advantages of time-saving and enhanced travel experiences. For instance:
  • To travel to Ishigaki Island, Japan, passengers typically need to fly to Naha Airport in Okinawa and then transfer to a domestic flight. Including transfer times, the journey can take over nine hours. With a private charter, a direct flight from Taipei to Ishigaki Island can be completed in just 40 minutes.
  • For travelers wishing to bring their pets along, private charters offer pet-friendly services, assisting passengers with quarantine procedures and allowing pets to stay with their owners in the cabin rather than in the cargo hold of a commercial aircraft.
  • In the event of a machine malfunction at TSMC's Kumamoto plant in Japan and local technicians are unable to resolve the issue, TSMC engineers can quickly board a business jet to arrive at the site as soon as possible, minimizing downtime and potential revenue loss.

METASTAR AIRLINES currently operates a Citation M2 aircraft, which can accommodate up to five passengers. The airline offers direct flights to destinations such as Ishigaki Island, Miyakojima, Kagoshima, Kumamoto, Hong Kong, Macau, Jeju Island, and Clark, Philippines. 

Beyond providing private charter services, METASTAR AIRLINE aims to establish a platform that integrates private aircraft management, transforming aircraft into a stable source of income. The company is committed to positioning Taiwan as Asia's private aviation hub, catering to the travel needs of individuals.