《精選》AI 在航空業的應用案例 How AI is Used in the Aviation Industry

AI 在航空業的應用越來越廣泛,不僅能提升航班營運效率,也能改善旅客的飛行體驗。例如英國易捷航空正在導入 AI 提升營運效率包含:

  • 面對天氣惡劣、技術問題等突發狀況,易捷航空透過 AI 工具,協助控制中心人員快速做出最佳決策,例如航班重飛安排、機組人員分配等。
  • AI 可根據大數據分析,優化航班排程、飛機型號配對,並更準確預測旅客需求,減少浪費。此外,AI還能監測飛機引擎健康狀況,讓維修人員有更多時間處理細節維修。
  • AI 工具能在航班延誤時,主動向受影響的旅客發送通知,提供更即時的服務。

How AI is Used in the Aviation Industry

AI is becoming more and more common in the aviation industry. It helps airlines run their flights more efficiently and makes the flying experience better for passengers. For example, easyJet, a British airline, is using AI to improve its operations in many ways:

  • Quick Decision-Making: When there are unexpected problems like bad weather or technical issues, AI helps make the best decisions quickly. This includes things like rerouting flights or assigning crews.
  • Better Planning: AI can analyze large amounts of data to create better flight schedules, match the right planes to the right routes, and predict passenger needs more accurately. This helps to reduce waste.
  • Predictive Maintenance: AI can monitor the health of aircraft engines, giving maintenance crews more time to focus on detailed repairs.
  • Improved Customer Service: When flights are delayed, AI tools can automatically send notifications to affected passengers, providing more timely information.