《知識》紙飛機的王者「蘇珊紙飛機」 The King of Paper Airplanes: The Suzanne Airplane

講到紙飛機,最有名的莫過於蘇珊紙飛機。它是由一位對紙飛機充滿熱情的設計師 John Collins 設計出來的折法。由於該款紙飛機曾在 2012 年創下 69.14 公尺世界最遠紙飛機飛行距離,John Collins 為了紀念他的妻子 Suzanne,將這款紙飛機命名為蘇珊紙飛機,代表著這架紙飛機在紙飛機界的地位和成就。儘管蘇珊紙飛機的飛行距離後來在 2022 年被其它紙飛機超越,但因為蘇珊紙飛機折法相對簡單且容易上手,成為了大家心中的紙飛機王者。


The King of Paper Airplanes: The Suzanne Airplane

When it comes to paper airplanes, the most famous one is undoubtedly the Suzanne Airplane. It was designed by John Collins, a passionate paper airplane enthusiast. This particular design achieved a world record in 2012 by flying an incredible distance of 69.14 meters. To honor his wife, Suzanne, Collins named the plane after her, symbolizing its significant achievement in the world of paper airplanes. Even though the Suzanne Plane's record was broken in 2022 by other designs, it remains the king in people's hearts due to its relatively simple folding instructions, making it easy for anyone to create.