《精選》日本航空的經典LOGO「鶴丸」 A Classic Symbol of Japan Airlines - Tsurumaru

日本航空的經典 LOGO 鶴丸(Tsurumaru)  是由美國廣告代理商 Botsford, Constantine and Gardner 的創意總監 Jerry Huff 於 1958 年設計的。當時日航正準備開通噴射客機航線,希望打造一個簡潔、醒目、具有日本特色的標誌,以提升國際形象。

Jerry Huff 在設計鶴丸 LOGO 時,參考了日本傳統的「日の丸」旗幟,將紅色圓形作為背景,象徵著日本的旭日和熱情。而鶴則是日本的吉祥物,象徵著長壽、和平、優雅和吉祥。將兩者結合在一起,既體現了日本文化,又具有國際化的視野。

鶴丸 LOGO 自 1959 年開始使用以來,一直是日本航空的代表性標誌。它不僅出現在飛機上,也廣泛應用於日航的各種宣傳素材中。這 LOGO 在 2002 年曾經一度被替換掉,但在 2011 年之後,又被拿回來使用了。經過 60 多年的發展,鶴丸 LOGO 已經成為日本航空的經典標誌。



A Classic Symbol of Japan Airlines - Tsurumaru

The iconic Tsurumaru logo of Japan Airlines (JAL) was designed in 1958 by Jerry Huff, the creative director of the American advertising agency Botsford, Constantine, and Gardner. At the time, JAL was preparing to launch jetliner routes and wanted to create a simple, eye-catching, and uniquely Japanese logo to enhance its international image.

In designing the Tsurumaru logo, Huff drew inspiration from the traditional Japanese Hinomaru flag, using a red circle as the background to symbolize the rising sun of Japan and its passion. On the other hand, the crane is a Japanese auspicious creature symbolizing longevity, peace, elegance, and good luck. Combining the two elements embodies both Japanese culture and an international perspective.

Since its introduction in 1959, the Tsurumaru logo has been the representative symbol of Japan Airlines. It appears on airplanes and in a wide range of JAL's promotional materials. The logo was briefly replaced in 2002 but brought back in 2011. After more than 60 years, the Tsurumaru logo has become a classic symbol of Japan Airlines.