《精選》台灣桃園國際機場24小時高畫質即時影像 Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Live Camera 24/7

台灣桃園市政府為推廣在地美麗風光,近年陸續在多處知名景點設置高解析攝影機,在 YouTube 上 24 小時不間斷提供即時影像供民眾線上觀看。其中桃園國際機場 (TPE/RCTP) 更是熱門的直播點之一讓航空迷無論白天黑夜,不用出門就能欣賞飛機起降。

Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Live Camera 24/7

The Taoyuan City Government has installed live cameras at the popular tourist spots, including Taoyuan International Airport (TPE/RCTP). These cameras broadcast 24/7 footage on YouTube, letting people enjoy the sights from anywhere in the world. Aviation enthusiasts can watch planes take off and land from the comfort of their homes.