《知識》飛機貼膜「仿生鯊魚皮」提升燃油效率 Shark Skin Film on Airplanes: Saving Fuel



日本全日空於 2022 年 10 月 3 日宣布 ANA Green Jet 特別塗裝的波音 787 客機,其中一項特色也是機身貼附了 Nikon 仿鯊魚皮薄膜,減少飛行阻力,進一步提升燃油效率。Nikon 希望藉由 ANA Green Jet 進一步驗證該技術的效益與耐用度。


Shark Skin Film on Airplanes: Saving Fuel

A new technology called "bionic shark skin" is being used on airplanes. This special film mimics the tiny scales on a shark's skin. By doing this, it can reduce air resistance, which means the plane uses less fuel and pollutes less. 

Sharks are excellent swimmers. Their skin has thousands of tiny, tooth-like scales that help them move through water easily. These scales reduce friction.

EVA Air, an airline in Taiwan, was the first to use this technology on its planes. By applying the shark skin film to the aircraft, they can save energy and reduce their carbon footprint.

All Nippon Airways (ANA) in Japan also used a similar film made by Nikon on one of its Boeing 787 planes. This special plane, called the ANA Green Jet, is designed to be more environmentally friendly. Nikon wants to test how well this film works and how long it lasts.