《精選》法國航空A350與特技飛行隊,演出精彩空中芭蕾! Air France A350 and Patrouille de France Perform Aerial Ballet


為慶祝法國航空成立 90 週年和法國空軍特技飛行隊「法蘭西巡邏兵」成立 70 週年,一架 A350-900 客機與多架特技飛行隊標誌性的藍色 AlphaJet 教練機進行編隊飛行,演出一場精彩的「空中芭蕾」,畫面相當唯美!延伸閱讀:《知識》空對空攝影 - 航空公司飛行影片的拍攝花絮




Air France A350 and Patrouille de France Perform Aerial Ballet

To celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of Air France and the 70th anniversary of the French Air Force aerobatics team, the "Patrouille de France," an A350-900 aircraft flew in formation with multiple iconic blue AlphaJet trainer planes, performing an elegant aerial ballet in the sky!

The Patrouille de France is renowned for its stunning aerial acrobatics. Their performance combine the precision and grace of ballet with the agility and swiftness of French fencing.

Painting in the colors of the French flag, the team's aircraft often leave trails of these vibrant hues in the sky during their airborne displays. Symbolizing freedom (red), democracy (white), and fraternity (blue), this imagery reflects the French people's courage, romantic traditions, and aspirations for a brighter future.

Notably, back on January 27, 2016, the Patrouille de France flew in formation with a Boeing 747 from Air France, to mark the retirement of this legendary passenger aircraft.