《筆記》台灣虎航以多航點搶攻日本市場 Tigerair Taiwan Takes on the Japanese Market with Multiple Routes

台灣虎航由中華航空集團 (China Airlines Group) 與新加坡欣丰虎航集團 (Tigerair) 於 2014 年合資成立。2016 年欣豐虎航將持有的台灣虎航持股及經營權轉讓給華航,此後台灣虎航成為一間純台資的航空公司,也是目前台灣唯一的低成本航空公司。儘管虎航只有 15 架空中巴士 A320 單走道客機,卻是台灣航空公司裡面飛最多日本航線的業者,已累計 20 個日本航點,是華航、長榮兩到三倍,又有多個航點屬於獨飛,稱霸日本二、三線城市。台灣虎航於日本市場的航點間彼此鄰近、可互相串聯的優勢,有助旅行社規畫行程時更有彈性。虎航也積極佈局轉機商機,計畫串聯東北亞與東南亞航點,希望東南亞旅客前往日本二、三線城市,可選擇經由台灣轉機,提升虎航的營運績效。

Tigerair Taiwan Takes on the Japanese Market with Multiple Routes

Tigerair Taiwan, a low-cost carrier wholly owned by China Airlines, has been rapidly expanding its network in Japan. Despite having a relatively small fleet of 15 Airbus A320 aircraft, it operates more routes to Japan than any other Taiwanese airline, covering 20 different cities. This includes many smaller, secondary cities that are not served by major carriers like China Airlines or EVA Air. Tigerair Taiwan’s Japan routes are strategically located close to each other, allowing for convenient connections between destinations. This flexibility is beneficial for travel agencies when planning itineraries. Tigerair Taiwan is also seeking to take advantage of connecting flights between Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia. The airline aims to appeal to Southeast Asian travelers who are interested in visiting Japan's smaller cities by providing connecting flights through Taiwan. This strategy is anticipated to enhance the overall performance of the airline.