1. 延續早期航海作業的操作習慣
2. 讓機長更容易判斷停靠間隙
3. 增加地勤作業效率
Why do passengers board airplanes from the left side?
When boarding an airplane, regardless of the aircraft type or whether using a jet bridge or stairs, passengers always board from the left side of the aircraft. Why not from the right side? There are several reasons for this:1. Continuation of early maritime operating practices
In the past, sailors used rudders to control the direction of their ships. Since most people are right-handed, the rudder was installed on the right side of the ship. To avoid obstruction by the right-side rudder when docking, ships would always approach the dock from the left side. This operating practice was later adopted for airplane boarding.
2. Makes it easier for the pilot to judge the docking gap
Since the pilot's seat is on the left side of the cockpit, it is easier for the captain to judge the gap between the aircraft and the terminal when the aircraft slides towards the boarding gate.
3. Increases ground handling efficiency
One advantage of having passengers board from the left side is that the right side can be used for other activities at the same time, such as loading and unloading luggage, cargo, and airplane meals. Splitting the tasks between the two sides is more efficient and safer, as it is more dangerous for passengers to board on the same side when vehicles and other equipment are moving.