《知識》TCAS 空中防撞系統 - 避免飛機相撞的最後防線 TCAS: The Last Line of Defense Against Mid-Air Collisions

TCAS 全名是 Traffic Collision Avoidance System, 中文翻譯是「空中防撞系統」,顧名思義就是一個避免飛機在空中相撞的電腦系統

TCAS 運作原理是透過飛機上的詢答機 (Transponder),自動偵測四周其它飛機的航向和高度,將結果顯示在駕駛艙內的導航顯示器上,並計算與其它飛機最接近的接觸點 (Closest Point of Approach, CPA) 有無相撞的可能。若兩架飛機在空中太過接近,各自的TCAS會自動溝通協調後,發出語音警告,指示飛行員應該爬升 (Climb) 或下降 (Descend) 來避開其它飛機。

當空中交通管制系統失靈、地面雷達故障、通訊系統有問題等,這個獨立的空中防撞系統是避免飛機相撞的最後防線。但它並非萬無一失,例如當飛行高度太低時,TCAS 可能就不會運作。因此,飛行員在低空飛行時需要特別謹慎,並加強目視觀察,以確保飛行安全。

TCAS: The Last Line of Defense Against Mid-Air Collisions

TCAS stands for Traffic Collision Avoidance System. It's a computer system designed to prevent airplanes from crashing into each other in the sky.

How it Works
  • Detects nearby aircraft: TCAS uses a device called a transponder to automatically detect the direction and altitude of other airplanes around it.
  • Displays information: This information is shown to the pilots on a screen in the cockpit.
  • Calculates collision risk: TCAS calculates the closest point of approach (CPA) between the aircraft and checks if there's a risk of collision.
  • Issues warnings: If two planes get too close, their TCAS systems communicate with each other and issue voice alerts, telling the pilots to either climb or descend to avoid a collision.

Why it's Important
TCAS is a critical safety net, especially when:
  • Air traffic control systems fail
  • Ground radar malfunctions
  • Communication systems have problems
In these situations, TCAS acts as the last line of defense to prevent accidents.

TCAS is not foolproof. For example, it may not work when an aircraft is flying at a very low altitude. That's why pilots need to be extra careful when flying at low altitudes and always keep a visual lookout for other aircraft.